Information for Presenters

Poster Presentations

The recommended size for posters is 48" wide x 36" high. Posters should be in place between 1:30pm-8:30pm on June 17th and 8:30am-6:30pm on June 18th. Poster presenters are expected to be present at the poster during designated poster presentation times: June 17th, 1:45-2:15pm and 6:30-8:30pm; June 18th, 11:30am-1:30pm.

Oral Presentations

Talks in both talk sessions and symposia should be approximately 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions. Talk moderators and symposium organizers are responsible for keeping sessions on schedule.

Presenters should upload their presentations beforehand using the approproate link below. You may check whether your file was successfully uploaded by clicking here. Please include the last name of the presenting author in the filename, and please make sure that all graphics, images, etc. are embedded rather than linked. Alternatively,you may bring your presentation to the session on a USB stick so that it can be transfered to the podium computer before the session begins. Presenters should visit the podium at least 10 minutes before their session begins in order to test that their slides and content are functioning properly.

Upload links:

Talk session 1

Talk session 2

Talk session 3

Talk session 4

Talk session 5

Talk session 6

Symposium 1

Symposium 2

Symposium 3

Symposium 4

Symposium 5

Symposium 6

Symposium 7

Symposium 8

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